We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 2, Day 3

1. Read Genesis 25:19-34. From verse 21, what was Rebekah's difficulty?

2. What did Isaac do about this problem, and what was the result?

3. The pregnancy was a difficult one. What did Rebekah do about it? (give verses)

4. What response did she receive?

5. How old was Isaac when he was given these children? (v.26)

6. Describe the two boys and which parent was attached to each one. (vv.27-28)

7. Read Genesis 26:1-6. What blessing did Isaac receive from God?

8. From Genesis 26:7-11, describe the sin of Isaac and the mercy of God in protecting Rebekah. Have you heard this lie before? From whom?


1. God can use barrenness for blessing. How has God used a difficulty or season of sorrow or pain in your life to bring blessing to Him, you, and others? Be specific!

2. Prayer is God's way of allowing us to have conversation with Him. What does prayer mean to you? If it's something important then why don't you do more of it?

3. Showing favoritism is not part of who God is! How are you being unfair in your opinion or relationship with someone else?

4. Sin can beget sin from one generation to another. What are you dealing with from the past that needs repentance, faith, and freedom today?


Anonymous said...

There was a time in my life when I was "barren" so to speak. I was empty and in a lot of pain. I would pray that God would give me a husband. I thought every guy that came along was suppossed to be "the one." I couldn't understand what God was waiting for. And now I know. I hadn't met my husband yet. I wanted my husband in my time and thank God that He made me wait. I have the BEST husband ever! And God knew.

Sohl Gal said...

First of all, what is with this family?!? All I can think is, "Hey mister, she's my sister." But enought RENT. It's interesting that the son would make the same choices his father did. Nothing like a little history repeating I guess.

God used our move here to help me rediscover my faith. He placed people of strong faith in my workplace to pull me back toward him, and then placed this amazing church in my path to get me back to Him.

I think God is like part of a family. I mistreat, neglect, etc., my family because I assume that they'll always be there, they'll always support me. And while it's true that they will be, I won't have learned all that I could when I make these decisions. God will always be there, so it's easy for me to just say, "I'll do it later."

My constant state of crabbiness/anger/frustration comes from my parents. Here's that history repeating thing. Today I'm praying for God to help my heart to allow my children to be children. I'm praying for God to let me forgive myself for my impatience, and praying for my children to have a sense of peace with their children.

Christina Ketchum said...

A couple years back I was in a really bad car accident. This was my “barren” time. I was in immense pain and I remember feeling very anxious, empty and alone. After I recovered, I realized my relationship with God was very weak. I didn't open a bible during that time and barely prayed. I wasn't mad at God; I just hadn't developed an intimate relationship with Him. Leaning on God for comfort wasn’t something that came naturally to me. I know my relationship with God still needs A LOT of work but it is definitely better today than it was a couple years ago. Hopefully with these bible studies, being around awesome Christian women, and going to an AMAZING church I will continue deepening my relationship with Him.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, coming to Bay Area was a barren time in my life. God clearly called us to BAF but I had to leave behind precious friendships...people I loved so much. I went through a time of grieving and I experienced such overwhelming loneliness in my new church home. Every weekend I would be swallowed up in a sea of faces, but not one of them did I recognize. I ached for someone to know my name. And then I was drawn to the women that make up JANES and everything changed. Sunny had shared with me that our purpose in this ministry was to "build community" and I knew then that this is where I belong. I needed community and I think God allowed me to experience that time of loneliness so that I could understand what every woman longs for when they walk through the doors of our church...relationship. The blessings from my barrenness could fill a book, but the most treasured ones are the friends I've made along the way. Isn't God amazing?

Anonymous said...

Yes Dee Dee, God is soooo amazing. Janel, I am 100% with you on this one. I think I need to write before I read everyone else's. I don't get why I do that to my family. Ya, I guess it is because they will always be there. With God too. I bet God gets lonely too. He wants us to converse with him all the time. That's exactly what I am going to work at. You know, this may sound crazy, but I am going to pick a place in my backyard to talk to Him. I am going to picture Him in a particular plant. I want God to know that I will be there for Him,too. Today, I felt His presence on me and it was as He was proud of me. I felt blessed. The time in my life where God has brought a difficult season is about to happen with my husband leaving. God has plans for me though and I will not let Satan boggle my mind with despair. God also brought Jessalyn,my daughter, to me. He did this in order to settle me down. I have been a Christian for a long time, but I have lived a double life. I'd go to church,pray,tithe,talk about Jesus;on the other hand, I wouldstill go to the bars and have a great time. My friend who didn't believe in Jesus said I was a bit hipocritical. I was just a luke warm Christian. That's even worse. But, Jessalyn along with Bay Area and my awseome Christian friends have been put in my life by God himself. He knew that's all it would take to get me back on the narrow path.

DA Wagners said...

Very cool comments. I feel so bad that I'm three days behind. But, at least I get to read everyone's comments and they're all wonderful. I can see God work through each of your lives, which is so cool! It makes me love and respect Him more. Many of the hardest times in my life have been due to my reluctant obedience to God. He has asked me to do things way out of my comfort zone and that I totally did not want to do. I obeyed, but I did it with a bad attitude. I look back now and I think that it would not have been a hard time at all if I would have just changed my perspective and focused on Him!