We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 4, Introduction (6/11/7 - 6/15/7)

1) Manoah's wife

2) Hannah


We have been studying Women of Barrenness. Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah were all connected with the patriarchs of Israel: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Blessing followed these men and the women God gave them. Each had a unique and compelling story to tell. Life was not easy. The constant travel, the dust and dirt, the endless labor of daily life, and the personal problems of barrenness and humility kept them very discouraged at times.

However, God's mercy, faithfulness, and blessing touched each of these women. The key to their uniqueness was the way God brought them to a place of worshipping Him. For Sarah, it was the miracle birth of Isaac at 90 years of age. She said, "God has made laughter for me, everyone who hears will laugh with me." (Gen. 21:6) For Rebekah, it was her response when asked to go with Abraham's servant. "I will go," she said without hesitation because she knew it was God who had sent the servant. (Gen. 24:58) For Rachel, it didn't happen until Joseph was born, and she said, "God has taken away my reproach." (Gen. 30:23) For Leah, it came after her fourth child was born, and she responded, "This time I will praise the LORD." (Gen. 29:35)

Now we'll move forward to examine other Women of Barrenness whom God blessed in a special way.

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