We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 5, Introduction (6/18/7 - 6/21/7)

We move this week into the New Testament to explore God's Word for more truths to help us learn and grow. In our search we have studied faithful women who struggled with barrenness. Each learned through her difficulty that it is only God who gives life and completeness of body, mind, and spirit. In Elizabeth's story we'll see similarities to Sarah.

Elizabeth experienced life in its most reverential and sacrificial way. She was born into a family from the priestly line of Aaron. She also had the same name as Aaron's wife in the Old Testament. (Ex. 6:23) Elizabeth was blessed to hear firsthand two familiar poems we enjoy in the church today, the Magnificent sung by Mary (Luke 1:46-55) and Zechariah's Benedictus (Luke 1:68-79).

Let's begin to mine for ourselves the truths from Elizabeth's life of faith and trust in the God of promise.


Web Bible Babes said...

Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! This week's bible study is shorter with only 4 days. Can't wait to read everyone's comments!

- Christina

DA Wagners said...

I'm excited I know nothing about Elizabeth. Sorry I was unable to do last weeks -- out of town. I'm going to look over the comments and see what I missed.