We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 1 - Introduction: Faith for Hard Times

Wisdom for a Blue Jean Faith (Week 1 Memory Verse)

"Consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and compete, not deficient in anything.”
James 1:2-4 (NET)

Blue Jean Faith—what in the world does that mean? Blue jeans have always been worn by the working man and woman because of their practicality and durability. In recent years they have become stylishly popular as people have determined that comfort can be chic! But if you need long-lasting strength, denim is your logical choice. That is what we want in faith—a faith that lasts and is practical in our world today. We desire to have a faith that works right here and now!

As you begin this study, ask God to help you make your faith very practical. Ask Him to help you live out what you believe. Align yourself with God’s purpose and His plans. The best place to be in life is living right in line with the work and character of the Creator. If you will consistently spend time in God’s word and discuss it with other believers, God will show you how to live out your faith.

The book of James begins with one of those hard, but necessary topics: trials. The author deals in a very practical way with the subject and gives us insights to help us make it through difficult times. Begin today learning your memory verse, which we will call “wisdom for a Blue Jean Faith.” If you will place these truths in your heart week after week, by the end of this study you will have ten verses which can help you make your faith more durable and practical!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to start this study and can't wait to see how God uses the book of James to teach me!

Christina Ketchum said...

I am with you Elisa!!!

:-) Christina

Anonymous said...

I was amazed at what this verse is saying to me. I have learned from many of the trials i have been though and it has made me a very strong woman. And now with the will to learn more about our God and how i can make sure i am following his direction and his lead in my life.

Anonymous said...

sorry i put my last comment in the wrong section....

DA Wagners said...

I can wait to read and learn about James!!!

Latoya said...

Our memory verse has helped me through many times of hardship. After reading the book of James I realized the book is full of wisdom. God is very straight forward in what He wants from us and for us to do. The book of James helps break down the wisdom we should follow in practical terms. Each chapter offers an opportunity for me to grow.

Latoya said...

I know studying this book will produce great things through me.