We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 7 - Day 3 and 4

Days 3 & 4 are 1 study but was divided for your convenience!

Reread James 3:13-18. After seeing yesterday what earthly wisdom is, today and tomorrow we will focus on what true wisdom looks like in vv. 17-18.

1. What contrasts do you see between the wisdom of 3:14-16 and the wisdom of 3:17-18?

2. Compare the characteristics of the wisdom in James 3:17-18 with Gal. 5:22-23. What does the passage in Galatians add to your understanding of such wisdom, if anything?

3. Read the beatitudes in Mt. 5:3-12. Write down any parallels to the characteristics of heavenly wisdom in James.

4. Sharing Question: Share about a time when God gave you the wisdom that you needed in a specific situation. As you look at this passage, you can see that it corresponds to the character of His wisdom. How does it make you feel that God did this for you?

Stronger Jeans (optional): Look up meanings of the characteristics of heavenly wisdom. Use all the extra time you have for both days on this assignment.


Christina Ketchum said...

Before I became a stay-at-home mom, I worked as a medical social worker for a Children's Hospital. One of my primary job duties was to provide emotional support to parents who just lost a child. What could I possibly say or do to make anything better?!?! I was very anxious when I was consulted on this matter until I started praying about it. With each family, God gave me specific ways to help. Sometimes He told me to talk with the parents about the joys of their child. Sometimes He told me to remain silent. Sometimes He told me to discuss burial assistance. Sometimes He told me to hug the mom. Without God’s wisdom I probably would have done more harm than good.

Sohl Gal said...

I agree, Chris. Sometimes, when I've acted on my own accord, I made situations worse. On the other hand, when I asked God for His guidance, and followed His plan, I was rewarded for faithfully seeking Him. Most of the time, wisdom is admitting you don't know the answer, and asking for help, and then listening for the answer from those around you and from what you read.

Anonymous said...

I remember times when I don't agree with somebody and can sense in my spirit to not say anything to keep th e peace. I think that was wisdom that was peaceable.