We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 10 - Day 3

Read James 5:16-18.

1. Compare these verses with what James says about prayer.
a. Mt. 7:7-12
b. John 14:13-14
c. Mk. 11:24
d. Heb. 4:14-16

2. James uses Elijah as his model of a righteous person of prayer. Read the story of Elijah and the drought in 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-18, 18:41-46, and write down your insights.

Stronger Jeans (optional): Study another biblical figure as a model of prayer. Obviously, the more that is written about the person, the more you will have to read to find the passages where they pray but the more you will be able to learn. This may be a good personal study for you to begin since this series is over after this week. Use today to get started. Some good choices may be Jesus, Paul, Daniel, or Moses. Read as much as you can about the life of the one you choose; as you read, focus on what you learn about prayer.

3. Sharing Question: Share a story of answered prayer from your life. How did you feel through the situation?

4. Responding to God: Spend some time praying for your small group. Write notes to those who need encouragement. Tell them how you prayed for them. Write your prayers below.


Christina Ketchum said...

I have had so many answered prayers in my life, especially recently, it is hard to pick just one. I guess the biggest answered prayer was my ability to stay at home with my son and not work (or have paid work because I definately work). I knew for SURE I was going to have to work full-time and that God would have to provide a miracle for me to stay home. He did!

Anonymous said...

It's the same story with me, too, Twisting his arm. I have prayed and believed that it was the Lord's will I stay at home and homeschool my kids. We had bills of course and also my husbands work situation changed so there was a large decrease in income.
It's been amazing but every month, God has been providing our every need. We definitely live within our means and watch our expenses but God's faithfulness and generosity is very apparent. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and provisions.

Sohl Gal said...

God answered several prayers for us recently. We don't have to move to a place we were willing to go to (but were NOT interested in), and we were financially blessed after we'd been told there were no funds available. I know that God used these times to make me remember that He's in charge and I have to back off and let him be.