Read James 5:7-12. Be sure and learn 5:8 for encouragement when you need it!
For two days we have looked at the prophetic warnings for the unbelieving rich land-owners who ignored to their peril the love of Jesus and His return. We now consider the second group of people. Rather than ignoring the coming of Christ and His judgment, this group expected it! James continues to deal with having a Blue Jean Faith, one that lasts despite the circumstances!
1. James asks believers to show patience in the face of persecution and injustice from others (the context suggests the treatment of the rich land-owners whom he just addressed as one example). What illustration of the kind of patience James asks believers to show does he use (v.7)? How does that illustration parallel his instruction to be patient?
The word for patience here is different from the one we considered in James 1:3-4, 12. Here the Greek word is makrothusesate, which means long-tempered. Tasker helps us understand that the word “denotes not so much the brave endurance of afflictions and the refusal to give way before them even under pressure, as the self-restraint that enables the sufferer to refrain from hasty retaliation. The opposites of ‘patience’ in this sense are wrath and revenge.”
Barrett says it very bluntly: “’Be patient when people abuse you,’ James is saying (verses 7-9)—and the kind of patience he is talking about is self-restraint. It means ‘no retaliation.’”
2. The same Greek word for patience in James 5:7-8 is used in the LXX (the Septuagint, which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament), as well as in other New Testament passages. Read these verses and write down your insights into this kind of patience:
a. Pr. 14:29
b. Pr. 15:18
c. Pr. 19:11
e. 1 Pet. 2:20
Stronger Jeans (optional): This kind of patience is spoken of God. Read these verses and write down your insights: Ps. 86:15; 103:8; Jer. 15:15; Rom. 2:4: 9:22. You may need to look up the verses in several translations.
3. Sharing Question: Share about a time when you were treated wrongly and you failed to restrain yourself. What were the negative consequences?
4. What are the believers instructed to do in the midst of injustice and persecution in James 5:8? What is the “why” of that instruction? How does that motivate you to obey?
5. Sharing Question: Have you been exposed to much previous teaching on the return of Jesus? If so, how has it changed your responses to others, if at all? Is there one person with whom you struggle most to be long-suffering? How should you change your thinking pattern in order to be patient with him or her?
6. Responding to God: Talk to God about your desire to develop the kind of forbearance or patience that He shows. Talk to Him about the specific person that you mentioned in the previous question. Write your prayer.
My hubby will occasionally do or say something that hurts my feelings and I sometimes would retaliate by being rude back. This doesn't accomplish anything and certainly doesn't make me feel better. I have learned that I can only control my actions and not the actions of another person. I have also learned to give my hurt feelings to God and He will work things out in His time.
I want to be slow to anger, demonstrating the patience calls for as a fruit of the spririt. I struggle with this, especially with my son. I find I have great patience with unique circumstances, but when the same things happen repeatedly, I struggle to keep my responses in check. I will pray for God to calm me when I don't calm myself.
A man who controls his tongue is perfect. I learned that if I can really control my tongue, I have over come a huge hurdle in decreasing strife and increasing patience in my life, especially with one particular family member.
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