We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

(Monday 11-05-07) Prayer 26 - David's Prayer at His Son's Rebellion

Read First:
Psalm 3

Hear It!

The background to this Psalm is thought to be David’s flight from his son Absolom, who had grown in popularity and power and not only challenged David’s throne, but highly embarrassed him by his behavior.

David found himself in the unenviable position of having to flee for his life, but in that flight, he was reassured of God’s protective love and care.

David also found strength in the commitment and dedication of trusted followers. He will later grieve deeply over the death of Absolom. Though God sustains, God will not remove the consequences of all life’s problems.

What Can We Learn?
1. David’s statement in 3:1 is exactly the emotional experience of many when besieged by difficulties.
2. The doubtful statement of 3:2 is often the response of those around us. It is the statement of one who has no faith in God.
3. Selah, is a word that probably indicates where a musical rest or pause should occur. It probably represents a means of emphasis to what is being read or sung. Perhaps a crescendo.
4. It’s been suggested that this Psalm is the inspiration for the children’s prayer, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep . . . .”
5. Cromwell is considered by many to be the bravest man who ever lived. Someone asked him, “What is the explanation of your bravery?” Cromwell replied, “Because I fear God, I have no man to fear.” (Through the Bible Commentary)
6. This psalm says that when you’re down, God will lift you up!

Questions to Ponder
1. Make a list of the various negative emotional responses people make when trouble hits them.
2. Make another list of the ways people attempt to create doubt in our minds that God can’t or won’t help us.
3. How can we be sure that God’s help will come despite our own emotional troubles and the doubtful words of other people?
4. How do you think a person develops the kind of faith David displays in this psalm?
5. Explain David’s choice of words to express his thoughts in 3:7
6. What does it mean that, “salvation belongs to the Lord?”

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