We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

(Tuesday 01/08/08) Parables 9 &10 of the Similitudes - The Dragnet & The Householder

The Dragnet (Matthew 13:47-50)
This parable illustrates the believers responsibility to spread the gospel without discrimination. We bring as many as we can into the kingdom and let God sort them out at the end.

Boice points out that the parable of the dragnet is a warning to the wicked that judgment is coming.

The Householder (Matthew 13:52)
It says the householder “brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.” What is the new and old?

* The Old is the OT expectation of a literal earthly Kingdom
* The New is the mystery form of the kingdom that is in existence now in light of Israel’s rejection.

As citizens of the kingdom, we are to teach both. Some have thrown out the old teachings and said that the church replaces Israel, that there will be no future millennial kingdom (amillennial).

Others deny the new. We see here that we are to teach both.

If the last parable is about the responsibility of evangelism, then this one is about the responsibility of edification.

Edification is “building others up.” How does edification relate to the Kingdom? Once someone is in the kingdom (the parable of the dragnet) they need to be taught.

I think that citizens of the kingdom are to act in such a way that they will cause others to want to be part of that kingdom. If we use an example from secular life, it might be equated with America being the land of opportunity. Despite the bad picture that certain politicians paint about our country, people from Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, Russia, etc. are giving up everything they have back home to try to get here. When they see rich Americans traveling in their country (and all Americans are rich by comparison to them), they are motivated to come here so they can be rich too.

If we live according to the ethic of God - loving God and neighbor (something that can only be done if we have God’s resources as citizens of the kingdom) - building others up (edification) then we will be salt and light. Others will be attracted to what we have. If we relate it back to the first parable, some may receive it with joy, trying to manufacture it on their own, but others will “understand” (receive the word) and ultimately bear fruit.

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