We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 10 - Day 2

Read James 5:14-16.

1. What is the sick believer to do and what will be the result?

James 5:14-15 has been understood in a number of ways. Some consider the “prayer of faith” to be dependent upon the sick person’s faith. If that person can manage to have enough faith, God promises to heal; however, this prayer is said by the elders, not by the sufferer, so that understanding seems unlikely. Some would say that it is the “prayer of faith” because the pray-er has been assured by God that it is His will to heal that particular sick person.

Moo makes this point about the “prayer of faith”:

The faith exercised in prayer is faith in the God who sovereignly accomplishes his will. When we pray, our faith recognizes, explicitly or implicitly, the overruling providential purposes of God. We may at times be given insight into that will, enabling us to pray with absolute confidence in God’s plan to answer as we ask. But surely those cases are rare—more rare even than our subjective, emotional desires would lead us to suspect. A prayer for healing, then, must usually be qualified by the recognition that God’s will in the matter is supreme.

2. How do these verses relate to James 5:14-15?
a. 2 Cor. 12:6-10
b. 1 Tim. 5:23
c. 2 Tim. 4:20

The last part of v. 15 lets us know that this is not necessarily an illness brought on by sin although it may be.

3. What did Jesus teach in John 9:1-3 about the relationship between illness and sin? (You need to consider the disciples’ misunderstanding of it.)

4. Why might God bring sickness into someone’s life because of his/her sins? Read Heb. 12:5-11.

Stronger Jeans (optional): Read what your commentaries say about the anointing with oil in v. 14.

5. What are those of us who are not elders to do in these kinds of situations (James 5:16)? Why?

6. Sharing Question: Do you ever confess your sins to other believers? Why or why not? As you think about this instruction to confess, in what situations might it be helpful to do so? Is there a sin you should confess to this blog group or maybe to a family member or friend so that there is someone to pray for you and to hold you accountable? If so, do it this week.

7. Responding to God: Talk to God about your sins. Confess them and turn from them so that you do not risk the loving hand of discipline from your heavenly Father. Write down your response to Him in a prayer or poem. Or draw a picture of you, God, and your turning from that sin.


Christina Ketchum said...

I think it is good to confess sin (to someone you trust) to provide accountability, comfort, and wisdom! Sin I am currently dealing with is my thoughts going sour! Trying to keep my thoughts on God normally does the trick.

Anonymous said...

I have to confess that I lean towards not confessing to people, even church people. I grew up in a church and I still see people that do this:someone asks to pray for someone but it turns into gossiping. I think part of it is human nature. I have yet to find people I can really confess with the confidence that it will stay with that person only. Other than than my husband and parents. So, it's may prayer to truly find mature believers who can really be trusted.

Sohl Gal said...

I struggled with not confessing sins for a long time, jjdsc. I too was concerned about the gossip, the judgement, and the deceit that would come from my sharing.

I now have a few strong people that I share specific things with, and I know that they do not repeat what I share with them. I also know that God can use my sins and my struggles to help someone else grow, so I find that once I started sharing where I struggle, it's no longer important to keep my sins under wraps. The knowledge that others struggle with the same challenges and frustrations as I do means that I can learn from them and they from me.