We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Wednesday (05/28/08) Healing the Deaf and Dumb Man


A. Passage Selected: Mark 7:31-37

B. Progression Stated: Biographical

C. Presentation Summarized:

1. Context 7:31

Still with the Gentiles. He has been for several months. Some think that the trip from Tyre through Sidon lasted about eight months as he ministered to the Gentiles in that area.

2. Content 7:32-37

a. Jesus with the multitudes (32)

The term used means “deaf/stammerer” Stop and think about what it would be like to have the condition of the person being healed.

b. Jesus with the man (33-35)

(1) The manner


(2) The method

They want him to lay hands on him, but He does it a different way. He touches the ears and then touches his tongue (spits) and then touches the tongue of the other. Perhaps this is a way of communicating visually with the man what He was about to do.

It is the command which heals not the power of the saliva. The most repeated method of healing in the miracles is the “WORD” of God.

(3) The miracle

A complete healing. All of the miracles are complete healings except one which is accomplished in two steps for teaching purposes. That separates true miracles from what we witness on TV today.

c. Jesus with the multitudes (36-37)

(1) His request

He tells them not to tell anyone. Perhaps to keep the multitudes from looking for a miracle worker. He was looking less for a following than for people of faith to follow. We like crowds (quantity). He likes quality.

(2) Their response

Astonishment but not salvation.


*He has the ability to heal all manner of disease and proves himself to be the Messiah.
*The miracle work of Messiah among the Jews is now available among the Gentiles.


*I should not dictate to Jesus his methods of operation.
*The work of Christ reflects the character of God. “He does everything well.”

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