We are taking a break for the summer until futher notice.

Week 5, Day 4

1. Describe John's life from Luke 1:80.

For Further Study:
1. With the miraculous birth of John to Elizabeth and Zechariah, who were of the house of Aaron, there came a completion, fulfillment, or ending of something. What was it? (Luke 16:16; Matt. 11:13)

2. From Matthew 11:11, what does "yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" mean? (Eph. 5:25-27, 32; John 3:29)

3. Read Malachi 3:1 and explain it in light of this study on Elizabeth and her son John, who was the forerunner to the Messiah. When was Malachi written?


1. Life is only at its best when the believer allows the Holy Spirit to be in control. How is your life today? Are you surrendered to the will of the Holy Spirit?

2. Mothers have the wonderful opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love to their children. What sphere of influence do you have where you can impact someone else for Christ?

3. John's prophecies and the Old Covenant were fulfilled when Jesus arrived and brought the New Covenant to earth. In what area of thinking are you still living in the Old Covenant? Jesus is the New Covenant of forgiveness and redemption. How are you living for Him in the New Covenant relationship?


DA Wagners said...

I've spoken under the influence of the holy spirit before, when as a teenager I would speak about God in front of the church or to people one on one. This was easy. All I had to do was be a willing vessel. Now it seems like God is requiring much more of me. I feel the holy spirit still in me, but it's not the emotion filled passion of speaking; it's the the nuts and bolts of it all. To me it's the differenc between teaching high school or college English vs. teaching my nieces now in 5th and 6th grade. Teachng college essays was fun! Many of the papers were well written and made a statement, appealing to emotion or intellect. But, elementary writing really focuses on grammar, syntax complete thought -- very basic things. I know that I'll be able to speak again with the passion that I once had, but God is wanting me to learn the basics, like serving others, loyalty, and having a Christ-like love for people. I never understood those things before. That's why I want to learn as much as possible. I feel I'm kind of behind, and I regret not being more motivated ealier; but, at least I'm trying now. I really do want to make a difference before I leave this life.

Christina Ketchum said...

First of all, I am going to re-read today's bible study over again tonight, when the baby is sleeping, in order wrap my brain around it better. The 'For Further Study' reading confused me to bits!

In what area of thinking are you still living in the Old Covenant?

My problem is I keep forgetting about Grace. Oh yeah... God has forgiven me of my sins. I don't need to keep feeling ashamed over things I did 10 years ago!