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:-) Christina
Welcome to week 4 of the 6-week Bible study titled The Blessedness of Boldness hosted by Women in Discipleship.
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(Monday 03/31/08) Abigail - Day 1 & Introduction
The truths of Scripture are essential and life giving to those who believe in the power of God and His Son, the Savior, Jesus Christ. Scripture is full of examples of Women Of Faith who boldly took action and obeyed God to do things that furthered His kingdom and brought praise to His holy name.
As we look into the life of Abigail this week, we'll see a woman of wisdom and faith. She took bold action to prevent the potentially destructive actions of a future king, David, against a misguided and foolish man, Nabal. This story is yet another example of God's grace, mercy, blessing, protection, and intervention in the lives of those He has called to serve, worship, and believe in Him. Let's begin.
1. Read 1 Samuel 25:1-11. According to verse 1, who died? How did the people respond to his death?
2. Where did David go? (v.1)
3. Read verses 2-4 and describe the man and his wife.
4. What did David hear about Nabal and his activity? (v.4)
5. What were David's instructions to his men? (vv.5-8) Be specific.
6. How did Nabal respond to David's men in verses 9-11?
7. Read 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. Who really owned all that Nabal thought was his?
1. Samuel's death brought sorrow because he was honored in Israel's history. Have you mourned for someone because you missed their spiritual joy and friendship?
2. Riches on earth do not necessarily bring wisdom or honor. What has clouded your spiritual wisdom because of its worldly hold on you?
3. God does not honor selfishness. When are you most tempted to be selfish? What can you do about it?
4. Not honoring the goodness of another person is foolish and selfish. Do you owe honor to someone because of their kindness to you?
5. God is the owner and giver of all things. What are you holding on to because you think it's yours?
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(Tuesday 04/01/08) Abigail - Day 2
1. Read 1 Samuel 25:12-13, and describe David's response when he heard the news about Nabal.
2. In verses 14-17, who informed Abigail, and what did he say? What warning did he give in verse 17?
3. How did the servant's action in going to Abigail confirm the words of verse 3?
1. Reacting in anger leads to trouble. How do you handle insults from others? Share about a time when you reacted in anger to a negative circumstance, and it brought you harm.
2. God sends people to warn us of impending danger. Is someone warning you about something in your life today? Will you listen?
3. Goodness is recognized by those who desire honesty and kindness. How is your life reflecting God's goodness to the world today?
4. God challenges His people to consider what is right and do it. What are you being challenged to consider and act upon in your life right now?
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(Wednesday 04/02/08) Abigail - Day 3
1. According to 1 Samuel 25:18-20, how did Abigail respond to her servant's message?
2. What chance did Abigail have of knowing where David would attack?
3. What was David complaining about even as Abigail was on her way? (vv.21-22)
(Psa. 109:5, Prov. 17:13)
God is specific in His Word about how to deal with evil men. When Jesus walked the earth, He was a role model of goodness, love, and forgiveness even toward those who harmed Him. David reacted in unforgiveness to a situation where only God could deal the appropriate blow. (Heb. 10:30) David moved in anger toward an end that could only bring disaster, sorrow, and sin to himself and his men. God, on the other hand, wanted David to be preserved for more important things. The Lord sent Abigail, a wise and wonderful woman, to diffuse David's anger and steer his heart in the praiseworthy direction that God desired.
1. When truth is revealed to the heart of a believer, there should be a quick response of obedience. What is God revealing to you that you need to respond to quickly in obedience?
2. God knows the direction that a believer follows, and He has the power to direct our path. Have you chosen a path that is apart from God's way? What will you do about it?
3. Even the Lord's anointed had misguided ideas that could cause others to stray from God's best for their lives. When have you charged ahead in something only to realize that your flesh was in control instead of the Holy Spirit? Did God send someone to stop you?
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(Thursday 04/03/08) Abigail - Day 4
1. Read 1 Samuel 25:23-24a. How did Abigail approach David, the LORD's anointed?
2. What did she plead before him? (v.25)
3. From verse 26, list what you learn about the Lord and David.
4. In verse 27 Abigail presented gifts of food to David and his men. What did she ask David to do for her in verse 28?
Abigail accepted responsibility for her husband's sin. In verse 28 she asked David to forgive his "maidservant." This gives us a picture of her status as Nabal's wife, even though she was not the one who committed the sin. The family often faces the consequences for sin committed by one member. Abigail was wise and godly in asking David to forgive her family of this sin. (Neh. 1:1-11)
5. Read 1 Samuel 25:28-31, and list the things Abigail acknowledged to David about his future.
6. The words that Abigail spoke about David were very specific. Did these things later come to pass? (2 Sam. 5:1-5)
1. Knowing the truth leads to active participation in the kingdom of God. What are you asking the LORD to reveal to you in your spiritual life right now?
2. The LORD is Alive! What are you doing to actively fellowship with Him?
3. The LORD restrains His people. How does God restrain believers today?
4. The LORD directs His people. How does God reveal His direction in a believer's heart?
5. God commands believers to practice forgiveness. Is there someone you need to forgive today? How do you model forgiveness in your home?
6. God has a plan for our lives. Are you actively pursuing God's plan for your life today?
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(Friday 04/04/08) Abigail - Day 5
1. Read 1 Samuel 25:32-35. Using your own words, describe David's heart-warming response to Abigail's plea.
2. Who sent Abigail to David?
3. Explain David's gratitude toward Abigail in verses 33-34. What did he see?
4. How did David receive her gifts? (v.35)
5. What condition was Nabal in when Abigail returned home? (v.36)
6. Was she wise to wait until morning to tell Nabal the whole story? (v.37) Why?
7. How did God avenge David? (vv.37-38)
8. Did David remember Abigail? What did he do in 1 Samuel 25:39-42?
1. When God reveals His mercy and grace, the appropriate response is to rejoice and give thanks to Him. How have you responded to the LORD in gratitude for His mercy and grace in your life?
2. When a person asks for forgiveness, we are commanded to extend forgiveness in love and acceptance. How can we forgive others? (Eph. 4:32) Have you chosen to forgive the person who has offended you today?
3. Drunkards are not pleasing to God. How do you handle alcohol?
4. God's vengeance is profound and perfect. What do you need to leave in God's hands for Him to avenge?
5. God remembers perfectly and is always faithful to keep His promises. What promise are you claiming that God knows perfectly?
In just one brief passage of Scripture we learn so much about God. He has absolute power, and He protects those in whom He delights. The power of God to move in everyday circumstances and decisions shows His awesome might, strength, and divine authority over seemingly insignificant details as well as monumental events.
Abigail, a woman of beauty and intelligence, demonstrated all the characteristics of someone who desired to do what was right. She was bold, hurrying to make right her husband's dishonorable actions. Abigail was also humble, bowing low before David. Even in her boldness, she demonstrated a humble attitude by acknowledging God and His anointed ruler.
Abigail's focus was on making things right with God first, ("as the LORD lives" v.26). In this humble and trustworthy statement she acknowledged whom she worshiped. Then she moved her focus to David, her lord, recognizing that the LORD had anointed David as the future ruler of Israel. Abigail testified of the mercy of God and pled for David to show her kindness despite her husband's great foolishness and shame.
Abigail had a proper focus. David, a man after God's own heart, recognized the hand of God working through this remarkable woman. David blessed God for His faithfulness and protection in sending Abigail to keep him from his destructive plans. God gifted Abigail with wisdom, and she demonstrated God's plan for us to seek forgiveness and wait upon the Master who does forgive.
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Welcome to week 3 of the 6-week Bible study titled The Blessedness of Boldness hosted by Women in Discipleship.
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Click on the Older Posts icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this site in order to view last week's Bible studies.
:-) Christina
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(Monday 03/24/08) Deborah - Day 1 & Introduction
This week we'll study some events in the beginning of Israel's history in the land of Canaan. We will see the power of God to use a woman when no man was found to take leadership in the nation. Deborah was a willing individual who held many positions including wife, mother, judge, and prophetess. She was placed in the historical narrative for many good reasons, but what strikes me most is her boldness and obedience during a very difficult time in her nation's history. As we begin, remember to ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His wisdom and teach you important lessons to apply to your life today. After all, that's why we have this marvelous book we call the Bible!
1. Take time today to read Judges 1-3 in one sitting. From Chapter 1, note the overriding problem the children of Israel fell into. (vv.27-36) How was this in direct disobedience to Deuteronomy 7:1-5 and 20:16-18?
Hear It! Judges 1, Judges 2, Judges 3
2. According to Judges 2:1-3 and 2:20--3:4, what was the result of the people's disobedience?
1. God's commands are to be obeyed. What has God instructed you to do, but you have not obeyed? Seek God's forgiveness, then just do it!
2. Captivity can be used by God to lead His people to repentance. In what way have you been held captive because of your disobedience? Are you ready now to repent and move forward in faith and obedience?
3. God holds power over the nations. When have you taken it seriously to pray for our nation or international events?
4. God can use severe discipline to teach His people. What form of discipline have you experienced that was beneficial to your spiritual growth?
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(Tuesday 03/25/08) Deborah - Day 2
1. In Judges 4:1-3, what happened in Israel again?
2. Describe who held Israel captive.
3. From Judges 4:4-5, who was Deborah and what did she do?
In Hebrew Deborah means "bee." She was the only judge who was also a prophetess. She demonstrated her ability to prophesy in verses 6, 9, and 14 of chapter 4. These verses indicate her willingness to obey God and do what was required of her.
4. Read Judges 4:6-7. What was the battle plan that the Lord revealed to Deborah? Who did she call to carry out God's command?
5. How did Barak respond in Judges 4:8? Why do you think he said this? (1:19; 3:1-2)
6. How did Deborah answer Barak's request, and what did she say about who would get the honor in the coming victory? (4:9-10)
Barak means "thunderbolt" in Hebrew. During this time there was no one in Israel who was bold enough to fight the enemies of the LORD. The men were not courageous. Barak is representative of all the men of that day. They didn't trust in the LORD, so God called a woman to demonstrate His power and restore the nation. Remember that Barak is listed with the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11:32. It was to his credit that he went into a seemingly hopeless battle against a formidable enemy. God honored his faith and obedient actions.
1. God knows the heart; He will use anyone who is willing. What does God see in your heart today that can be used to serve Him?
2. Honor comes to those who are faithful. How are you faithfully honoring God in your life today?
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(Wednesday 03/26/08) Deborah - Day 3
1. Read Judges 4:11, and explain why this brief paragraph was placed here in the text. (You will need to read the rest of the chapter to see why this becomes significant.)
2. In Judges 4:12-13, what did Sisera do?
The battle lines were drawn. Barak and his ten thousand men from the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali were camped at Mount Tabor. The Israelites had no metalworks; they were simple people with outdated weaponry. On the other hand, Sisera, the captain of the army of King Jabin, was equipped with the most modern of military weapons. He had 900 iron chariots, which must have been a formidable sight to Barak and his men. Sisera and his army camped in the valley area near the river. This was perfect for the fulfillment of God's plan for the battle.
3. From Judges 4:14, write the command that Deborah gave to Barak.
4. Describe the battle from Judges 4:14-16. What happened to Sisera's army?
1. The weapons of man look fearful from a human perspective. What are you afraid of? Are you armored for spiritual battle today? (Eph. 6:10-18)
2. God's strategy is far better than man's. Do you equip yourself for battle daily by reading God's strategy for strength and wisdom, the Bible?
3. God goes before His people in all their battles. Do you try to fight your own battles, or do you surrender them to the greatest warrior of all, Jesus Christ our Savior? Ask Him to fight for you today.
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(Thursday 03/27/08) Deborah - Day 4
1. From Judges 4:17, why do you think Sisera had to flee on foot? (Read Judg. 5:19-23 and Psa. 83:9 to see how God worked in the battle.)
2. Where did Sisera happen to end up? Why was he received into that household?
3. What took place in Judges 4:18-21?
4. How would you describe Jael?
5. Read Judges 4:22-24. What was the outcome of this battle, and who gave Israel the victory?
The story of Jael and Heber is an interesting one. It appears that Heber was related to Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, yet Heber apparently had moved from the Israelite community into the enemy camp of the Canaanites. The Kenites were known for their metalworks. It is likely that Heber was employed in Jabin's army. Thus his allegiance was probably to Sisera, which explains why he was not home when Sisera arrived. On the other hand, it seems that Jael was loyal to the Israelites. She is an example of another woman who was bold in her faith and actions.
1. God can use anyone, anytime, in any place for His purposes. What assignment might God have for you today as His "soldier"?
2. God's power is victorious over our enemies. How do you fight spiritual battles--in the power and Word of Christ or in your own strength?
3. God is the victor! He can demonstrate His victory over your problems. Will you turn to Him today?
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(Friday 03/28/08) Deborah - Day 5
1. Read Judges 5:1-31 in one sitting and mark significant phrases about the goodness of God. Write the references here:
2. Read Judges 5:13-18. Who came to the aid of Barak and Deborah? Who did not? Who risked the most?
3. What natural force did God use to fight this battle? (vv.20-23)
4. How does Judges 5:24-27 confirm Deborah's words in 4:9?
5. Read Judges 5:28-30. Why do you suppose this reference to Sisera's mother was placed here?
6. Read the concluding verse of this song (v.31), and describe the blessing stated for the bravery, boldness, and courage of Deborah, Barak, Jael, and the people of Israel.
This song is one of the oldest in the Bible, and it is treasured by the nation of Israel to this day. It was common in Israel to write poetic songs about historical events. Then at gathering places, such as the city gate or the watering place, people would recite these songs to remember the deeds of the LORD.
This song can be divided into the following sections:
a. Praise and worship (vv.2-5)
b. Condition of Israel (vv.6-9)
c. Exhortation to the nation to act in accord with the past (vv.10-11a)
d. People's appeal to Deborah (vv.11b-12)
e. Warriors gathered (vv.13-18)
f. The battle (vv.19-23)
g.The detailed triumph of Jael over Sisera (vv.24-27)
h. Anxious waiting of Sisera's mother (vv.28-30)
i. God's victory and praise (vv.31)
1. God's power is evident in the history of man. How have you seen God's power move in the lives of people this year?
2. God deserves all the glory! How do you honor God in your life each day? You have victory over so much because of Christ. Are you praising Him enough?
3. Remembering God's victories yields faith. How has your faith been strengthened through a battle you've gone through lately?
By all accounts, the situation for the children of Israel looked hopeless. The army of the enemy was far superior to Israel's. The chariots, horses, men, and tactical strategies were in place. However, God, who is the author of all things and the supreme power over everything, had a plan for His little flock. He chose Barak, a man who was afraid and without hope. He determined that strength would come through the prophetess Deborah. God went before Israel and secured the victory over their formidable enemy.
The nation of Israel is not that dissimilar to the Christian community today. Though we appear small and without power in the world, we too have a mighty God who holds all power in His righteous right hand. He goes before His people. We need not be afraid of any enemy, even one that looks bigger and stronger than us. Barak had lost trust in his God. It was Deborah who remembered God and was used to restore the nation. She knew she could trust God, and that He indeed would go before them in the battle. May we be like Deborah, bold and determined with our eyes on the God of creation. May we have the faith and the boldness to stand when God calls us onto the battlefield of life!
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Welcome to week 2 of the 6-week Bible study titled The Blessedness of Boldness hosted by Women in Discipleship.
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:-) Christina
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(Monday 03/10/08) The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Day 1
The Daughters of Zelophehad
Two Mothers of Solomon's Time
This week we'll look at two very interesting stories of women in judicial circumstances. We'll witness the boldness of the women who went before a patriarchal (male-ruled) system to plead their case. We will examine the Scripture to find what God determined for them and the precedence that was set.
Remember to ask the Lord to teach you as you begin. When you take the time to examine Scripture, you can be assured the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. (John 14:26)
The Daughters of Zelophehad
1. List below what you learn from each of these references about the daughters of Zelophehad.
Numbers 26:33
Numbers 27:1-4
Numbers 36:1-12
2. From Numbers 27:1-4, describe the scene at the doorway to the tent of meeting. Who was present?Write your thoughts about the boldness required for these daughters to speak.
3. What was their legitimate argument from verses 3-4?
4. As a refresher, turn to Numbers 16 to learn what the daughters referred to by the company of Korah. What did he do?
5. What did Moses do in Numbers 27:5?
1. God listens to His people. Is there something in your life right now that you are asking God about or a complaint you are wrestling with?
2. God's commands are for our good. How eager are you to obey the commands of God? Do you believe they are for your good?
3. Moses knew who to ask for wisdom. When you're asked for advice, who do you turn to before you respond? Have you learned to pray about it first?
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(Tuesday 03/11/08) The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Day 2
1. Read Numbers 27:5-11. Was it God's will for these brave daughters of Zelophehad to plead their case regarding a name and inheritance for their family?
2. Explain the details of the transfer of inheritance that God instructed Moses to enact. (vv.8-11)
3. What kind of ordinance was established? (v.11)
4. Read Numbers 36:1-9, and explain the requirements for marriage for Zelophehad's daughters.
5. How was the inheritance a protection for these women?
6. Did these daughters obey what they were commanded? (Num. 36:10-13)
7. From this story, what can we learn about God's commands and the importance of obeying them?
1. God is the one who gives a true and lasting inheritance. He desires for everyone to choose His eternal inheritance through Christ. Where is your true inheritance? (1 Pet. 1:3-4)
2. God blesses those who follow Him. What blessings have you enjoyed because you followed God and obeyed Him, in His ordinance for marriage or another area of your life?
3. God's Word is truth, and with obedience comes blessing. What have you learned from these daughters about boldness, inheritance, and blessing?
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(Wednesday 03/12/08) The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Day 3
1. What happened in Joshua 17:1-6?
2. Imagine you are a woman living in a land where only men are recognized as landowners. You are an only child. Being a woman, you have limited options. What would you do? Read the choices below, and write your thoughts.
a. Flee the country with the family inheritance.
b. Change your name and dress like a man.
c. Have your parents set up a family trust in your uncle's name, trusting him for your inheritance.
d. Pray to God for wisdom and trust Him for your needs.
e. Go to the government and fight for your rights as a woman.
1. God holds your welfare in His Hands. Have you ever chosen the wrong path after an unfair legal decision, only to end up worse off than before?
2. God will provide. Describe a time when you thought you knew best, but in the end you realized your error.
3. Trust in God, because He is faithful. When have you put your trust in man instead of God and been greatly disappointed?
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(Thursday 03/13/08) The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Day 4
Two Mothers of Solomon's Time
1. Read 1 Kings 3:5-9, and explain the dream that Solomon had.
2. According to 1 Kings 3:10-15, how did God respond to Solomon's request? What did Solomon do after he woke up?
3. From 1 Kings 3:16-22, describe the scene and the two mothers before King Solomon.
4. What dilemma did King Solomon face? What technology might a king or judge use today that wasn't available in Solomon's day?
It is God who initiates and demonstrates His love and care for us. What has God graciously done this week to demonstrate His love in a way that was totally unexpected and refreshing?
God enjoys giving good gifts to His children. Take five minutes to consider and list the gifts God has given you.
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(Friday 3/014/08) The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Day 5
1. Read 1 Kings 3:23-28, and describe the wisdom of Solomon.
2. Did his radical command to cut the baby in two work?
3. Would you agree that God had indeed granted King Solomon the gift of wisdom? (v.28)
4. Describe the two women in this story.
5. From this story, what can we learn about status and God's justice? (key verses: 1 Kings 3:16, 28)
6. What measure of boldness would be required to address the king of a nation, knowing that you were the lowest member of society?
7. Examine the following Scriptures to see the beauty of the lowly who are lifted up.
1 Samuel 2:6-9:
Job 5:8-16:
1. God is the one who gives true wisdom. Where do you go to search for wisdom?
2. God knows the truth in every situation. He is the source of all truth and wisdom. Do you seek to know truth and wisdom by searching Scripture for the answers to your questions?
3. All lies are exposed sooner or later. What lie, big or small, might be exposed in your life today? Can you confess it before it grows and becomes even worse?
This week we explored the lives of some little known women in Scripture. The great God of the universe chose to include their stories in His Word in order for us to learn and mature in spiritual wisdom. After studying the five daughters of Zelophehad, we learned that God does indeed listen to women. He had planned a prosperous future for these female descendants of Manasseh. These women recognized that the heritage of their family was dependent on them. God gave them the boldness to stand together in the court of the temple to plead their case. Joy comes in seeing that Moses listened to them, leaned not on his own understanding, and went directly to God, who answered him on behalf of these daughters. Inheritance and blessing came to their descendants because they had the courage to boldly ask God, through Moses, and their request was granted. From their courage came the blessing of inheritance of land, and the evidence of God's faithfulness to them.
We also read about the two harlots who came to Solomon's court. The first woman was telling the truth. She was eager to have the case resolved in the hearing of the mighty King Solomon. The scene must have been quite incredible for this woman of low status. God's hand moved through Solomon's wisdom to bless her boldness. God knew that the true mother would not allow even a hair on her baby's head to be touched, much less allow him to be killed by the sword. The other woman however, rather than grieving over her child, committed more sin by stealing the healthy baby and then lying about it. She was exposed through the divine wisdom of Solomon. The story ends with the true mother being reunited with her precious child, while the other woman was exposed for the stealing, lying, and hateful person that she was.
What a powerful lesson we can learn from these two stories. May the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit keep your heart truthful, honest, and lovely, so that the world may know you are a child of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.
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Welcome to week 1 of the 6-week Bible study titled The Blessedness of Boldness hosted by Women in Discipleship.
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Click on the Older Posts icon at the bottom right-hand corner of this site in order to view last week's Bible studies.
:-) Christina
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(Monday 3/03/08) The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 1
During the course of this six-week study, we will search the Scripture to learn about the Blessedness Of Boldness. Together we will examine the lives of a number of women who God used to bring about His plan for the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the furthering of the kingdom of God through the church in the New Testament.
This week we'll look at the lives of the two midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, and Jochebed, the mother of Moses. These three women demonstrated character, faith, and courage in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. Their lives can help each of us learn to demonstrate these godly traits, walk with confidence in the challenges and pathways of life, and be part of furthering Christ's kingdom here on earth. In a real sense, we'll be passing on their life lessons through our lives to those who come after us. Let's get started.
The Midwives (Shiphrah and Puah)
1. Read Exodus 1:1-14, and describe the concern the new king of Egypt had regarding the "people of the sons of Israel."
2. In Exodus 1:10 the king used the phrase "deal wisely" regarding the people of Israel. (NAS) Describe what that would mean to a worldly person or nation today. What order did the king give in Exodus 1:15-16?
3. Write the names of the two Hebrew midwives. (Ex. 1:15) Why do you suppose their names are given here?
4. Read Exodus 1:15-22. Explain the command given to the two Hebrew midwives and how they responded to it.
5. According to Exodus 1:17, whose command were they truly obedient to?
6. How were these women blessed for their boldness in defying the king's command? (vv.19-21)
7. How would you describe the words of the two midwives to the king about the Hebrew women giving birth? What would you have done? (vv.18-19)
8. How would you explain their response?
9. God blessed them because they decided to honor Him rather than the worldly king. Their fear of God was a healthy thing that led to blessing. How might this help you with a decision in your life that would require you to go against the world's view and have a healthy fear of God in the choice you make? Explain.
1. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. (Prov. 1:7) How are you showing the fear of God in your life today?
2. God is King of the nations. (I Chron. 29:10-13) How often do you pray for those in authority? Do you trust God that He is in control, even in the events of nations?
3. To fear God brings blessings. What blessings have you received this week because of your obedience to the Lord?
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(Tuesday 3/04/08) The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 2
1. From Exodus 1:15-21, describe the blessings that came to the people of Israel through the obedience of the two midwives. What blessing did God grant these two women?
2. What new evil did the king of Egypt order for the children of Israel in Exodus 1:22?
3. Who was to be actively involved in this great evil?
4. In the New Testament as well as the Old, God has instructed us to obey the earthly authorities placed over us. What can we learn from the following passages about the supreme authority and how to use sound knowledge and wisdom when dealing with the authority of man?
a. Romans 13:1-5
b. 1 Peter 2:13-17
c. Daniel 3:16-18
d. Acts 4:19, 5:29
(If you have a Strong's Concordance or a Bible with a concordance, look up the names of Shiphrah and Puah, and write out their meanings below.)
a. Shiphrah (#8236)
b. Puah (#6326)
Shiphrah and Puah were Hebrew midwives (from the line of Shem, or the Semite clan). During the time when Joseph became powerful, the rulers in Egypt were also from a Semitic background; they were called Hyksos. They took leadership during Joseph's time, but in Exodus 1 a new ruler came to power who was most likely fully Egyptian in lineage. This might explain his hatred of the Hebrews or those from the line of Shem. Shiphrah and Puah, being Hebrew, were allied with the Israelites rather than the Egyptians. This particular family line was the one God chose to be His people. Through them the Messiah of promise would come. Thus we see God's powerful hand working in history to bring about His plan.
1. It is God who establishes the household. Who is the ruler in your household?
2. God's law is supreme in authority. How can you be obedient in honoring God as the supreme authority and still be a witness through honoring the laws that rule you in your home, community, and nation?
3. God honors faithfulness. How have you been faithful to God? How, in His mercy and grace, has He blessed you?
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Web Bible Babes
(Wednesday 3/05/08) The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 3
Jochebed (Moses' Mother)
1. Read Exodus 2:1-10, and list the things you learn about Moses' mother.
2. Read Numbers 26:59 to find the name of Moses' mother.
3. List the things that Jochebed recognized about her son from the following verses:
a. Exodus 2:2
b. Acts 7:20
c. Hebrews 11:23
4. How did this knowledge affect her actions?
1. God has the power to place His thoughts into the minds and hearts of His people. What has God given you through times of quiet meditation upon Him and His Word that has helped you do what is pleasing to Him?
2. The history of God's family is documented in the Bible. What of your life is documented so that those who come after you will know the true you? What can you do to keep a record of your walk with the Lord (journal, letters, etc.)? Why not start today? Take some time to write about what God is doing in your life right now.
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Web Bible Babes
(Thursday 03/06/08) The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 4
1. Read Exodus 2:1-10. What do you learn about faith from Jochebed?
2. What did Jochebed have to do in order to allow God to accomplish His will for her and Moses? (Gal. 2:20)
3. When Jochebed finally let go of the basket, what did she ask her daughter to do? Was this part of God's plan for Moses and the family?
4. Why do you suppose Pharaoh's daughter went against her father and had pity on the Hebrew child?
5. How would you rate the courage and boldness of Jochebed and her daughter in this remarkable biblical story?
1. God gives each of His children a measure of faith. (Rom. 12:3; Heb. 12:2) If you are a child of God, then you have a measure of faith. What are you doing to increase your faith?
2. God has a plan for your life. (Eph. 2:10) What is God's plan for you? Have you asked Him to show you?
3. God gives boldness to His people. When have you needed the boldness of God to confront another person, admonish a friend, or walk by faith through a difficult circumstance? Please share your experience with someone today.
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Web Bible Babes
(Friday 3/07/08) The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 5
1. Look up the name Jochebed in a Strong's Concordance. What does it mean?
2. Jochebed learned a lesson in faith through her experience. She and her husband demonstrated faith by their actions. Who were their other two children? (Num. 26:59)
3. From Exodus 15:20-21, what do we learn about Miriam, Moses' sister?
4. What is stated about Aaron in the following verses?
a. Exodus 28:1
b. Exodus 30:30
c. Exodus 32:1-4, 19-26
For Further Study
1. As we conclude this study of Jochebed and her family, explain what you have learned from her boldness. Was this quality evident in the lives of her children? (Ex. 4:30; 7:1-2, 19; 15:20-21)
2. According to Exodus 19:6, who did God want to be His priests? How does this relate to 1 Peter 2:9?
2. In the family of God, all the members are precious and useful. Who do you know in the body of Christ who is looking for a purpose? What can you do to encourage that person in finding their God-given purpose and realizing their usefulness to the Lord?
2. God's forgiveness toward His children is complete. Have you sought to forgive someone who has hurt you? Pray to the Lord about your responsibility to forgive. Then choose to actively forgive as Jesus Christ has forgiven you. (1 John 1:9; Eph. 4:32)
In our first lesson about the Blessedness of Boldness, we looked at three extraordinary women from the Old Testament. When confronted with extreme circumstances, each of these women chose to take the path of faith and trust God for the outcome. For the midwives, God in His mercy caused Pharaoh to believe their story and not punish them. These women were allowed to live, and their homes were established. They continued their lives with the blessing of God.
Moses' mother, Jochebed, was also given the opportunity to trust God in the surrender of her "beautiful" son. After she let go of the basket, God returned her son and gave her the blessing of caring for him for approximately two years. God allowed her to nurture Moses, and she even received monetary reward for this service. Jochebed was a woman who demonstrated her faith by surrendering her son to God. She received the blessing of being part of God's perfect plan.
These three women were used by God to further the nation of Israel and the Hebrew people. We see the Blessedness of Boldness in these ordinary women who walked by faith in the fear of God. May we be encouraged to move out of our comfort zone in boldness to be used by God for the furthering of His kingdom!
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Web Bible Babes